Category Archives: Sin categoría

Jokes for programmers – Choose an option

As a good programming company we have our daily dilemmas, that if Java is better than C, that if programming in assembler is entertaining, and in almost everything we are agree, less on one thing, the style of the keys.
Who do you choose?


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Save the date / time of the last log in WordPress

One of the biggest headaches that we find in our projects is to find out who has entered our page and at what time.
If we want to add the functionality to WordPress to save the date / time of the last login we must embed the following code fragment in our functions.php file

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Guardar la fecha/hora del último loguin en WordPress

Uno de los mayores quebraderos de cabeza que nos encontramos en nuestros proyectos, es averiguar quien a entrado en nuestra página y a que hora.

Si queremos añadir la funcionalidad a WordPress para guardar la fecha/hora del último login debemos incrustar el siguiente fragmento...

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Will by Alfred Victor de Vigny

Loving is everything in life. If you want to be happy you’ll be. It’s the will that carries the mountains.

Alfred Victor de Vigny (1797-1863)

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Voluntad por Alfred Victor de Vigny

El querer lo es todo en la vida. Si queréis ser felices lo seréis. Es la voluntad la que transporta las montañas.

Alfred Victor de Vigny (1797-1863)

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IT jobs explained with a broken bulb

Today we leave this vignette that explains how are the different jobs in our profession, through a metaphor with a broken light bulb.

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Trabajos IT explicados con una bombilla rota

Hoy os dejamos esta viñeta que explica como son los diferentes puestos de trabajo en nuestra profesión, a través de una metáfora con una bombilla rota.

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Being a good man by Molière

You can be a good man and make bad verses.

Molière (1622-1673)

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Ser un buen hombre por Molière

Se puede ser un buen hombre y hacer malos versos.

Molière (1622-1673)

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Talk: HTML5, the superhero of the web

Chat Title:  HTML5, el superhéroe de la web

Venue: Assembly hall of the ETSE, USC

Time: 12:00h

Description of the talk

With the advent of the new W3C standard the website concept has also evolved to experience new boundaries, new opportunities and of course, to enhance the user...

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